Window Into Japan!!!
As a part of onsite assignments, I got an opportunity to travel to various parts of Japan. I have worked in Tokyo,Osaka and Kyoto cities in Japan.
It is a pleasure to share the valuable experiences in the Land of Rising Sun...Japan!!!
It will be really nice if you all can also share your experiences in Japan and enrich this article.
I am sure, reading the articles complied here will always be a memorable experience for all of us, and surely will give a refreshing and exciting feeling to those who are planning to visit Japan soon!!!
Let's window into the different dimensions of Japan!!!
I had been to Japan in Jan 06 - Feb 06. I had been to a swimming pool while in Japan. For keeping my things I was given a locker. I had kept all my things in the locker before going for swimming and attached the key to my hand (standard practise). But somehow during I was swimming the keys fell off my hand into the water! I relaized that I had lost the key maybe after 1/2 an hour later. When I asked the lifeguard "where is my key" she pointed out to a room in the distance (where all the lifeguards were sitting). Amazingly they had MY KEY!!! The lifeguard asked me to come to my locker and inspect all was in place inside my locker. This is kind of treatment you get in Japan. I thanked the lifeguard.I was amazed at how they found the key to my locker!!! I probably will never know the same because I was so foolish not to ask him :(
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