Window Into Japan

金曜日, 7月 27, 2018

Japanese Diet

Japanese Diet

Japan has some of the longest life expectancies in the world and the reason being "The Japanese Diet"

The Japanese Diet Basics
The emphasis is on small portions of fresh seasonal food. Dieters are advised to value quality over quantity and to eat slowly so as to appreciate the flavors of the food and reach a feeling of satisfaction with less food.
A major factor of the Japanese way of eating is to eat until 80% full. In addition a great deal of emphasis is placed on presentation and making the food look beautiful and appealing to the eye.
Dairy and bread are not part of the diet and when beef and chicken are included in meals they are regarded more as condiments rather than the main focus of the meal. Fresh fruit is the preferred dessert however if a richer dessert is eaten it is in very small quantities.
In Japan breakfast is considered the most important meal of the day and is often the largest.
They have a concept of the Japanese power breakfast, which consists of miso soup, rice, egg or fish, vegetables, fruit and green tea.
Recommended Foods
The seven pillars of the Japanese diet that are the foundation of the dietary aspect of this plan:
·         Fish such as salmon and mackerel.
·         Vegetables including daikon radish and sea vegetables.
·         Rice (preferably brown).
·         Soy (tofu, miso, soy sauce, endamame).
·         Noodles (soba, udon, ramen, somen).
·         Fruit such as Fuji apples, tangerines, and persimmons.
·         Tea preferably green.
Typical Breakfast:
  • Miso Soup
  • 1 cup white rice
  • 1 egg
  • Nori seaweed strips
  • Green tea

Typical Lunch
  • Teriyaki fish
  • Rice
  • Asian greens
  • Green tea

Typical Snacks
  • Fuji Apple

Typical Dinner
  • Chicken
  • Rice
  • Miso soup
  • Sea vegetables with tofu

The Japanese achieve a lot of physical activity by simple actions such as walking, climbing stairs and using a bicycle to run errands rather than relying on motorized transport.

Eating Healthy Foods is the Key
It is important to be aware that there is no magic to Japanese foods and eating healthy food is the key!!
